Governor Pritzker’s COVID-19 response plan is once again under fire. This time it is landlords suing him over the eviction moratorium issued in Executive Order 2020-30. The moratorium prevents landlords from filing evictions for nonpayment of rent. This means that even if someone is able to pay their rent and choose not to, a lawsuit cannot be brought against them until the expiration of the Order.
Essential Legal News: COVID-19 Eviction Policy in Illinois
New laws, orders, and regulations have been issued that amend the terms of the landlord-tenant relationship. This includes a broad reaching eviction moratorium instituted by Governor Pritzker. There are now new rights and responsibilities for landlords and tenants. In addition, the court closures have exacerbated many problems that have arisen during the public health crisis. Read about the federal, state, and city response and how eviction proceedings have been modified.
Essential Real Estate Law: Sealing Orders
A sealing order is a judicial order that removes a court file from the public record. This means that when a member of the general public searches for that specific court case through public channels, it will not appear. Unlike an expungement from a criminal record, a sealing order does not eliminate a court file from an individual's record. It simply makes that particular court file inaccessible to the public.